Employment Law Update

There are a number employment law-related changes in the pipeline – some affect employees and temporary workers, some only affect temporary workers. I’ve put together an update on the changes, focusing on those which are most likely to affect my clients’ businesses.

The update is here – happy reading!

Umbrella company non-compliance

The government has opened a public consultation into how best to address and combat non-compliance within the umbrella company industry. Here’s a quick overview of some of the consultation proposals. The consultation ended on 29th August and the government is currently analysing feedback.

Click here to download the overview.

Data Protection Update

Today’s update covers data protection responsibilities and legislation now that we are at the end of the Brexit transition period. In particular, we discuss international data transfers and the new standard contractual clauses to be used when transferring personal data outside the UK. This is quite a long update, but I hope you’ll find all of it helpful! Click here to download.

Off-Payroll: where are we 3 months later?

One of my lovely clients, Intuitive Interim & Executive Search asked me to participate in the FIRST of its “Intuitive Experts” vlog series. A very proud moment for me I must say!

We’re discussing the Off-Payroll Rules 3 months on from go-live. A quick overview of the rules, the significant market reactions and answering some questions submitted by Intuitive’s clients and contractors.

The video is here – enjoy!

Tax Risk Assessments

Not an exciting topic I know, but important all the same. Since the implementation of the Criminal Finances Act in 2017, and the ever-increasing burden of tax legislation and regulation on staffing businesses generally, the obligation to regularly assess and mitigate risk is no longer a “nice to have”.

But there’s very little guidance on how to complete a tax risk assessment, so I decided to give you all some practical hints and tips. Good luck!

A guide to sole traders

Many of my clients have been asking me about sole traders. Not necessarily in response to the upcoming Off-Payroll Rules which will impact the use of limited company or PSC contractors after April, but mostly to understand if it’s a commercially viable route to market for contractors. I therefore decided to do a video about what sole traders are, how clients and agencies can engage them, and the main compliance considerations and processes as well. The short answer is: it’s not without risks, but sole traders aren’t as uncommon as people think – as the stats at the start of this video highlight!

Hope you find it useful!