Off-Payroll: where are we 3 months later?

One of my lovely clients, Intuitive Interim & Executive Search asked me to participate in the FIRST of its “Intuitive Experts” vlog series. A very proud moment for me I must say!

We’re discussing the Off-Payroll Rules 3 months on from go-live. A quick overview of the rules, the significant market reactions and answering some questions submitted by Intuitive’s clients and contractors.

The video is here – enjoy!

The (dreaded!) Off-Payroll Rules

I’ve recently been working with IR35 Navigator, a truly innovative, tech-powered advisory platform designed to help all parties in the supply chain successfully manage the impact of the IR35 reforms.

It’s a great compliance solution for agencies and end clients. IR35N asked me to provide some bitesize videos and other content on the technical and procedural aspects of the new rules.

Despite my avid dislike of seeing my own face or hearing my own voice, I agreed and here are some of the results!

The videos are designed to be informative but also practical. We all know the new Off-Payroll rules are difficult to get your head around, hence the decision to break the content up into manageable chunks.

Hope you like them, if you have any feedback, please do let me know via the contact form on the website.